100wc week#11[21] Jack

Rolling through the leaves [oak leaves] was something strange . It shaken…. it was something round and white i  was scared . I picked it up and it was an egg ? I wondered what it could be . It started moving it hatched . Interestingly took it  it was a cute dragon.  I took it to my king asking too keep it which he said yes to. I showed everyone it who was in the castle the craft man [ blacksmith ] chef and my friends . I took  it to the park and it rolled around in leaves. Everyone adored it. Except for when it was older he was a big fire breathing dragon !

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2 Responses to 100wc week#11[21] Jack

  1. CraigRobson says:

    I like how it was about a dragon that got older and scary. well done here is ours

  2. Michelle Tham says:

    Hi Jack,

    How clever to introduce a cute little dragon into your story. I can see why it might not seem as cute by time it was old enough to breathe fire though!

    By mentioning the king and the blacksmith, it was also easy to imagine the time period where your story was set.

    Thank you for sharing,

    Michelle, Team 100wc,
    Melbourne, Australia

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