100wc Week9 mia and Kayden W

In Central Park a bee was flying around and annoying everyone in his bee hive suddenly his mastermind dad told him to go outside to test out his new shrink ray but something went wrong…

The shrink ray wasn’t on the wright setting it was on kill but he couldn’t stop it, it had already hit his son he died in a flash. Suddenly,he saw police coming out of the hive he knew he had to leave so he wouldn’t get arrested,  investigators  took there cameras and lights they didn’t find any clues but they did find a dead  bee.

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2 Responses to 100wc Week9 mia and Kayden W

  1. RubyErskine says:

    its amazing

  2. Janet Team 100WC says:

    There is a lot going on in your story, Mia and Kayden. You have written a very imaginative story using the picture prompt, with lots of action. I like the way you describe how something went wrong. That is just like real life.

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