Jack 100Wc #10

Today was my favourite day im getting a falcon. Wich is my    favourite bird in the world .Im going to my local pet shop and am going to buy one.As I got there I found a lady saying watch my bird show. I said to her are you selling falcons . She said oh yeh I sell them . I picked the one with brown wings because it was fast and cool. So I said ill pick that one . It had blue and brown wings and an orange beak. As I got in the car it sat down and whent home with it. As I put it in the cage and I wished it was a bit smaller.

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2 Responses to Jack 100Wc #10

  1. JenniferMiller says:

    Hi Jack
    Great story. We like how you made it animal related. However you missed the apostrophe
    in I’m on the first sentence.

  2. Ross Mannell (Team 100WC) says:

    Hello Jack,

    You have made good use of the prompt in your story. You would wish the bird was a bit smaller if your cage was a bit too small for the falcon you bought. Well done.

    Like you, I’m interested in birds and like to photograph them. In my area we have eagles, hawks and occasionally falcons.

    Ross Mannell (Team 100WC)
    Teacher (retired), N.S.W., Australia

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