100wc Week#12 jennifer maja

In the distance Ginger could hear two children shouting, “Richard!” They came sprinting to wards the boy. “Who are you?” asked Ginger. They all had similar coloured  hair (hazel-nut hair). “We are his siblings” they replied.  Ginger could tell that they knew he has lost his voice. Out of the blue, a ragged creature stepped in front of them…they did not know what it was. Then the creature started to drag the little girl away. The creature uttered a spell. “JOLENE!!” screamed Richard.  It was to late, she was gone.  Suddenly, Richard fell to the floor. He felt very  ill…


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5 Responses to 100wc Week#12 jennifer maja

  1. EmilyHolroyd says:

    well done Maja and Jennifer I love that ginger comes into every story. well done.

  2. OllieMcKeown says:

    We like how at the end you have put he felt very ill… Have a look at ours

    https://longtownprimary.j2bloggy.com/Y5-100-Word-Challenge/100wc-week12-Ollie and Marcus/#respond

  3. NiamhMeek says:

    I really like how you named one of them ginger

  4. Cath (Team100, Melbourne, Australia) says:

    Hello! Well, this is a bit of a mystery with lots of unknowns for the characters and the creature causing danger. I think your first sentence works really well by having the children a long distance apart but still being able to identify that they were screaming. This makes the story more intense. Well done.

    • JenniferMiller says:

      Thanks for your response, sadly me and my partner can’t read yours because your page is blocked but I know it will be amazing!
      Why not visit ours from this week [theres a new character called ivy ]

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